Saturday, 28 September 2013

Four years and counting...


After being at the garden for four years, we finally have seen the grape vine produce a magnificent crop of black grapes. They are so delicious and tangy! The grape vine must be one to two hundred years old and yet it's taken years in our posession to see a decent crop. 
It's good that they taste good because we got grapes by the bucket full, well actually the vine full! 


The grapes are sweetest and least sour at the black/dark blue stage but if you pick one that's red/purple then beware they are so sour, It'll really give your taste buds a wake up call! 
The grapes will be available for you to pick by hand yourself, just ask one of our lovely volunteers about getting either a punnet or a little bag. Bringing your own bags/tubs to pick is always appreciated by us and the environment for recycling! Our homegrown completely organic grown grapes straight off of the vine will be priced at £5 per kilo. Ask one of our volunteers in the shop (our if they're working around the garden like they are most days) to weigh the grapes you've picked on the scales in the shop, they'll always be happy to help if you have any concerns or questions! 


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